The Safe Routes Partnership is committed to supporting Safe Routes advocates and practitioners as we adapt to living and working during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will regularly update this page with resources and information to help advance Safe Routes to School and active transportation during and after the pandemic.
Back to School 2020: Recommendations for Safe Routes to School Programming
As school resumes in the fall, Safe Routes to School practitioners will be looking for guidance on how to implement their programs remotely, in-person, and/or through a hybrid model. Using the Six E’s framework – Education, Engineering, Evaluation, Encouragement, Engagement, Equity – the Back to School 2020 Working Group has developed Back to School 2020: Recommendations for Safe Routes to School Programming, a comprehensive set of short-term, actionable recommendations for implementing Safe Routes to School programs this fall.
Safe Routes to School COVID-19 Resource Tracking Document
Members of the Safe Routes to School listserve have organically been crowdsourcing ideas for how to continue engaging youth and families while schools are closed, opportunities for remote learning and working, adjustments to messaging, policy opportunities created by this pandemic, and more. To that aim, we have created a Safe Routes to School Listserv COVID-19 tracking document where we have compiled all the resources that have been shared so far and which we will continue to update. Not on the listserve? Click here to join or email margaux@saferoutespartnership.org.
COVID-19 Blog Post Series
Safe Routes Partnership staff are listening closely to shifting needs in the field and emerging trends across the country as we collectively navigate the public health pandemic. Our blog post series offers strategies and resources to continue growing your program and supporting your community during COVID-19.
- Advocating for Essential Transit Options: Active Transportation Advocates as Allies
- Open Streets, Shared Streets, Healthy Streets: Creating Mobility and Physical Activity Solutions Now and in the Future
- Equitable Community Engagement in the Time of Social Distancing
- Financial Help for Nonprofits During COVID-19
- Active Transportation Advocates as Allies: What Bike/Ped/Safe Routes to School Advocates Can Do to Support Other Pressing Issues During COVID-19
- Advocating for Active Transportation in the Time of COVID-19
- Safe Routes to School and Beyond: What to Do Now?
- During Social Distancing We Need Safe and Accessible Parks