
One of the great ways that we love to share resources and expertise is through our regular webinars. Our webinars feature our staff and incredible advocates, Safe Routes to School program staff, government officials, elected leaders, and others from around the country sharing their knowledge and learning on a diverse range of topics.

Upcoming Webinars

There are currently no upcoming webinars scheduled. Scroll down to see archived webinars.

Archived Webinars

This webinar and the report will serve as informative guides for communities that are interested in taking control of their own data, and will give them the power to better understand GIS tools and how GIS maps can identify issues that need to be addressed.

Educating Municipal Transportation Departments

In this webinar, hear from staff from municipal transportation departments that prioritize walking and bicycling in a number of ways, including housing Safe Routes to School staff.

Educating School Boards and Principals

This webinar discusses policies, procedures and projects that have been advanced at the school and district level that address parental concerns to improve safety, increase physical activity and get more students walking and bicycling to school.

Educating School District Transportation Departments

Student transportation departments spend their days working to get students safely to and from school, but historically have focused on busing and driving. Safe Routes to School can easily support district transportation departments in identifying ways to safely get children active while commuting to school, while decreasing traffic congestion.

Educating Local Elected Officials

There are a variety of approaches to educating and engaging local elected officials as a part of your community’s Safe Routes to School movement.

Educating Governors and State Agency Leaders

The complexities of engaging and educating your governor and state agency leaders on the benefits of policies and funding that support Safe Routes to School can feel daunting, but may be easier than you imagine.

Learn tips for advocating for policies that support Safe Routes to School.

Understanding the New Match Requirements for Safe Routes to School Projects

Learn about the match requirement in the MAP-21 law.

Why Build Safe Routes to School into Regional Governments

This webinar discusses the role of regional governments in Safe Routes to School.

Why Build Safe Routes to School into Regional Governments

Part one of a two-part series discussing the role of regional governments in Safe Routes to School.