Active Transportation Reports

Active Transportation: Reports, Evaluations, and Toolkits
How to Demonstrate Bicycle Helmet Effectiveness

A step-by-step guide with accompanying pictures to visually demonstrate how bicycle helmets work to protect the head and brain from serious injury in the event of a crash. 

Evaluation, Report, Case Study, Research, Laws and Policies
Everyone Walks

This report provides an overview of current pedestrian safety data and research and discusses how states are using this and other information to address the issue.

Evaluation, Report, Case Study, Research, Laws and Policies
Everyone Walks

This report provides an overview of current pedestrian safety data and research and discusses how states are using this and other information to address the issue.

Toolkit, Report, Research
Countermeasures that Work

A reference to assist State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) in selecting effective, evidence-based countermeasures for 9 traffic safety problem areas.

Toolkit, Report, Research
Countermeasures that Work

A reference to assist State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) in selecting effective, evidence-based countermeasures for 9 traffic safety problem areas.

Pedestrian Safety Strategic Plan:

This is a 15-year plan for pedestrian safety research and technology transfer. It was developed to address pedestrian safety concerns and equip professionals and other stakeholders with proper knowledge, resources, and information needed to identify problems and implement solutions related to the roadway environment. 

Hidden Health Costs of Transportation

This report explores how dependence on automobiles and roadways has profound negative impacts on human health. 

Report, Research
Active Transportation Equity: A Scan of Existing Master Plans

Key takeaway:

  • The inclusion of equity as a stated goal is emerging in pedestrian and bicycle plans across the country. This report recommends that plans include more details about the process of defining equity and improving data for equity-related performance measures. 
The Benefits of Street-Scale Features for Walking and Bicycling

This analysis provides background information and supportive data for planners,transportation professionals, advocates, and policy makers working to encourage community design that promotes active transportation. Through this report, individuals will be able to highlight the co-benefits of street-scale interventions that support walking and biking.

At the Intersection of Active Transportation and Equity

This report explores the complexities of equitable active transportation and the issues that arise at the junction of efforts to advance walking and bicycling and work to increase health, fairness, and opportunity for low-income communities and communities of color.