Dozens of New Active Transportation Projects Funded

Earlier this year, the SB1 transportation bill included an extra $100 million each year for the Active Transportation Program. And those funds are already making their way to communities in need: 54 cities and counties have been newly funded. In this augmentation cycle, Caltrans reconsidered applications from the 2017 cycle, and were able to fund projects that scored a 79 or higher (the prior cut-off was 89). This serves as yet more proof that there is no shortage of worthy active transportation projects throughout the state: it’s only a question finding enough resources to fund them all. While we are grateful for the additional money made available by SB 1, we will continue to advocate for more funding in future cycles, which will be necessary for the state to achieve its goal of doubling the rate of walking and tripling the rate of cycling.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California