Safe Routes to School in California by the Numbers

Jeanie Ward-WallerI’ve been looking at a lot of data lately, trying to get a strong grasp on California’s record of getting kids walking and bicycling safely to school. I’m an engineer by training so I enjoy any opportunity to crunch some data, and California has particularly interesting numbers to analyze. Some of California’s data is really good compared to the nation as a whole

Update from the Florida Safe Routes to School Program

Florida has had great success with Safe Routes to School under SAFETEA-LU, with more than 235 applications ($68.8 million) being funded. The average Safe Routes to School project funded was $292,766. There has been a call for infrastructure applications each fall through spring. Spring 2012 ended the 6th call for projects. These projects will be in the 2017 work program. The average return on these projects was an increase of 22 percent of children walking to and from school. The program works!