
One of the great ways that we love to share resources and expertise is through our regular webinars. Our webinars feature our staff and incredible advocates, Safe Routes to School program staff, government officials, elected leaders, and others from around the country sharing their knowledge and learning on a diverse range of topics.

Upcoming Webinars

There are currently no upcoming webinars scheduled. Scroll down to see archived webinars.

Archived Webinars

Finding Funding for your Local Safe Routes to School Program

There are many ways to fund community and state-wide Safe Routes to School programs. 

How Site Visits and Events Can Inspire Policy Change to Support Your Program

Learn about engaging policymakers in Safe Routes to School.

The Safe Routes to School Edition

Participants learn the ins and outs of the 2012 transportation law, MAP-21.

This webinar provides a cost-benefit analysis on Safe Routes to School.

How Safe Routes to School Projects Get Built

This webinar is a follow-up to the webinar Federal Funding for Transportation 101. This provides a 201-level overview on transportation finance to support Safe Routes to School programs.

An Overview of Federal Safe Routes to School and Bicycling and Walking Funding

This webinar provides a 101-level introduction to federal funding.

This webinar by PreventObesity.net introduces the concepts of shared use and offers a pratical gude to implementing shared use agreements.

This webinar highlights success stories in Colorado and Austin, Texas where a local program teamed up with a bike shop to enhance Safe Routes to School efforts.

Tools for Building Health into Your Safe Routes to School Program

Learn about how to involve health champions in your programs, how to include health in all policies related to Safe Routes to School.

This webinar will be an excellent resource for those who have not yet attained a bicycle fleet to those who are looking for pointers on how to better organize and upkeep their existing fleets.